According to the public relations report of Tejali Development of Mines and Metals

The use of financial resources of the stock market by industrial companies does not have a specific ceiling

The CEO of Tajali Development of Mines and Metals Company said: Banks have a certain ceiling for paying facilities to economic and industrial enterprises, but the use of financial resources of the capital market has no restrictions for industrial companies.
Morteza Ali Akbari added in the international conference on steel industry and raw materials Penlex: The trust of the shareholders in Tejali Mines and Metals Development Company made us increase our investment capabilities and use the brands of the companies in question in this regard. .
Ali Akbari stated: By managing debts, we can increase our investments in various economic, industrial, and mining sectors, and large and small brand-owning companies can use their brands as reliable assets.
The CEO of Tajali Development of Mines and Metals Company (public shares) reminded: So far, economic enterprises have gone to the capital market less, while they can take maximum advantage of the 40% difference in the inflation rate and the 23% profit of the capital market.
Referring to the formation of Tejli Metals and Mines Development Company, he added: This company was launched about one and a half years ago and was the first project-oriented company that was able to complete many of its plans by using the liquidity of the stock market.
Ali Akbari stated that this company was also accepted in the stock exchange and said: Fortunately, many shareholders bought the shares of the company so that in the first few hours the shares of this company were sold and now Tajli Development of Mines and Metals with 6,200 He has invested billions of Tomans in various industrial and mining sectors from the capital market.
He criticized the mandatory pricing and added: the increase in government salaries is worrying and slows down mining projects, and if government salaries are increased, investment in the country’s mining industry will definitely decrease.
He demanded to prevent the issuance of immediate instructions and said that the lack of stability in this field will reduce the investment in this sector

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