The director of the mining and exploration unit of Tajali Company said regarding the activities of this company in the mining field: Based on the company’s investment strategy in three groups of non-ferrous metals, lithium and other valuable elements and rare earth elements, and in the target provinces such as East Azerbaijan, West Azerbaijan, Zanjan, Razavi Khorasan, South Khorasan, Sistan and Baluchistan and Yazd has implemented investment.

According to the public relations report of Tajali Company, Dr. Nader Golshani Nasab said: In the field of non-ferrous metals and polymetals, this company has a license to exploit copper oxide and sulfide in Khorasan Razavi province, which due to the potential of the mine and the expected increase in its definite reserves, is about to obtain an exploration license during extraction from the province’s Samt (Industry, Mine and Trade) Organization and also has a copper exploration permit, which is about to carry out detailed exploration operations and obtain a discovery certificate.

He continued: Tajali company in Khorasan Razavi province has won 5 metal deposit areas through participation in provincial auctions that the necessary follow-up is being done through the administrative and legal affairs to transfer to Tajali company in the country’s mining cadastre system and through the province’s Samt organization, and additional information will be provided later.

There is an area with a discovery certificate in Bardscan city, which is in the process of issuing an exploitation license and is also being investigated by the company’s mineral consulting company in terms of identifying the mineral potential of the area. The next two areas are Polymetal of Taybad and Ba-Kharz industrial soil (with gold potential), both of which have exploration licenses. The next two fields are Polymetal of Zaveh and Ahan Faizabad (with gold potential), both of which are in the process of applying for an exploration permit.

Ismail Kandi copper area number 2 with an area of ​​32 square kilometers, which is located in Haris and Sarab counties of East Azerbaijan province in terms of country divisions and in the east and adjacent to Sonajil copper mine.

In this area, the systematic exploration operation in the identification and search phase has been completed And in the early stages of the general exploration phase (preparation of a 1:5000 scale geological map, preparation of a 1:1000 scale topographic map through aerial surveying for the entire area and preparation of orthophoto images and taking lithogeochemical samples) which is being done with high accuracy and speed.

The results obtained from the identification and search phase and the initial stages of the general exploration phase, which indicate that at least 10 square kilometers of the area have metal potential from the entire area of ​​the zone, are very satisfactory.

And it is expected that with the progress of exploration operations and surface excavations (mainly trench construction), and completing the general exploration phase, as well as by conducting exploratory core drilling operations (deep drilling) in the detailed phase, the results are definitive and much more promising.

Dr. Golshani Nesab said regarding the activities in Sistan and Baluchistan province:

In the city of Iranshahr, the Dehgami gold zone with an area of ​​5.3 square kilometers has an exploration permit, and the systematic exploration operation in the identification and prospecting phase has been completed. And its general exploration phase is in progress, through obtaining the results of analysis of lithogeochemical samples, magnetometric geophysical studies and IP-RS, a sulfide mass has been identified at depth, which is very promising so that the necessary correspondence to obtain a permit from the Provincial Security Organization and to transfer machinery to the zone for surface drilling and construction of exploratory trenches is about to be done.

In Zanjan Province, by participating in the auction of mineral areas and mines of that province, Tajali Company has won a gold-rich ore area, which is conducting systematic exploration operations in the identification and search phase.

4 areas in South Khorasan province with an area of ​​343 square kilometers were registered in the country’s mining cadastre system for conducting systematic exploration operations for lithium and other valuable elements, and one area was assigned to Tajali company through the auctions of 1402 in South Khorasan province and the announcement of the winner. And through administrative and legal procedures by the relevant organizations, exploration permits were issued for all areas in the identification and exploration phase.


By selecting the competent executor of systematic exploration operations through holding a limited tender, and starting and conducting exploration operations in the identification and exploration phase of the five mentioned areas, 3 areas with suitable potential have been identified, which are about to be planned for conducting general exploration phase operations.

In the mentioned area, there are 158 exploratory wells up to a depth of 2.5 meters (average 60 cm) with a grid of 3.5 x 1.5 km and 1.5 x 1 km, and 808 samples were collected according to the sampling protocol and sent to three accredited internal laboratories and an accredited foreign laboratory.

that the presence of valuable elements such as Mg, K, Na and Li was detected in three areas owned by the company, in the general exploration phase which was approved by the specialized working group, sampling operations with a denser harvesting network for wells with a depth of 0-2.5 meters and network 250×250 meters and deep exploratory wells with 750×750 meters network and magnetotelluric geophysical studies will be started within the next month.

It should be mentioned that an area of ​​28 square kilometers located in Sarayan town of South Khorasan province is about to obtain an exploration permit, and after concluding a contract with the technical manager of this area, the exploration permit will be issued.

2 other areas, one in Yazd province with an area of ​​167 square kilometers in Bafaq city and one in Ardestan city of Isfahan province with an area of ​​76.12 square kilometers in the stage of obtaining inquiries from relevant bodies (natural resources, environment, atomic energy, regional water and administration Road) it is agreed that after obtaining the positive opinion of these bodies and other stages of the exploration permit application, the exploration permit of the areas will also be issued and the systematic exploration operations will be carried out like the other 5 areas after the issuance of the exploration permit.

In order to speed up the activation of the mentioned mines by going through administrative and legal procedures such as transferring the natural resources license to Tajali company, preparing the exploitation plan and selecting and concluding the contract for the mining technical officer, etc., the application for the issuance of the exploitation license will be delivered to the Provincial Industry, Mining and Trade Organization of Yazd, and operating permits will be issued in the name of Tajali Company within the next 10 days.

Dr. Golshani Nesab said: Tajali Company for the development of mines and metals has valuable capabilities and records in the field of mines and mineral industries, therefore, in 1402 (Iranian calendar), a contract was signed between Tajali Company and Arses Company (with limited liability), which has the ability and technical knowledge in the field of mining and the construction of mineral concentration equipment containing rare earth elements.

In this regard, while carrying out all the stages of laboratory tests, the construction of a small-scale factory, which includes the main parts of crushing, softening, gravity separation and concentration (separators), is in its final stages, and after the construction of the equipment, it will be installed and launched in the company’s premises.

As mentioned before, the main equipment of the factory includes: jaw and hammer and powder mill, hopper and feeder, mixer, spiral, vibrating table, dryer, filter press and magnetic separator.

Among the advantages of this plan, we can point out its portability, real-time monitoring at every stage, changing the line layout based on priority and local technology without the need to import equipment. According to the schedule and the statements of the contractor and the project supervisor. Inshaallah, in the Iranian month of Tir of this year, the production of the product in the small-scale factory will be operational and the temporary delivery of the factory will be done in the month after.


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