Charity and humanitarian affairs

Supporting patients in the fight against the dreaded Corona disease is one of the other activities of the company, which is a manifestation of the development of mines and metals, which is in the field of fulfilling social responsibilities through the purchase of necessary and widely used equipment for hospitals and medical centers and assistance to non-governmental organizations. It is done for public benefit. In the following, some of the most important actions of this company are mentioned in this field:


Donation of a ventilator model: EDP-TS with the help and support of Gol Gohar Iron and Steel Development Company, Tajli Mines and Metals Development Company to Imam Khomeini Hospital (RA) in Mahalat city.
Since social responsibility is a set of duties and obligations that an organization must perform in order to preserve and take care of them and help the society in which it operates, and considering the importance of this area affecting the organization’s business, Tajli Company In this regard, the development of mines and metals has placed assistance to charity associations and the underprivileged at the top of the organization. The company’s activities in this regard: assistance to the Raad Charity Association, whose activity is in the field of education for the able-bodied and the physically and physically disabled, and also The round-the-clock rehabilitation and care center for mentally disabled girls over 14 years of age is Avai Rizvan, Tajli company is trying to carry out wider measures and wide-ranging activities in different elements in line with this moral and social mission.